Voltage Conversions

We can convert your audio equipment from international mains voltages to Australian 240V.

Typical device voltages by country:

– Europe: 220-240V (not necessary to convert, just may need the plug replaced with an Australian plug)

– Japan: 100V

– USA: 120V

An extensive list of world mains voltage standards can be found here:

If you are unsure take a look at the back of your equipment. It should say the voltage that it requires. Do not try to use a simple adapter before checking, you may damage your expensive or precious equipment! What you typically need to safely use your equipment (without a voltage conversion) is a ‘step-down transformer’. Some items like Technics 1200’s from Japan or USA do not typically have fuses installed, if you plug these into 240V with just an adapter there’s a high chance you will destroy the circuit board and could be looking at hundreds of dollars in repairs!

Voltage conversion prices vary greatly depending on device internal voltages and power requirements. An estimate can be given after your item has been looked at. Or contact us for more information. For Technics turntable voltage conversions see our Technics page.